By Earl Clark, Region I Director
Region I is comprised of Locals 14 and 32. Much has been happening, particularly as it relates to negotiations at both Alaska Airlines (ASA) and Southwest Airlines (SWA). Local 32 SWA Airline Representative Mike Young and the other three SWA Airline Representatives continue to work on two of the biggest issues affecting our SWA members today: the 4th line implementation grievance and the station closure notification of Philadelphia and Sacramento. The 4th line implementation grievance has gone to arbitration with a favorable ruling for the Association and is now in the settlement phase of the arbitration process which will resume July 10. There have been positive and productive conversations with SWA on the station closure issue, but at this time no agreement has been reached. We are hopeful that one will be reached soon.
We are prepared to restart negotiations as the SWA Aircraft Maintenance Technician negotiations will resume July 17 and 18 in Dallas, and July 22 and 23 for the creation of contractual language for our Facility Maintenance Technicians.
At Alaska Airlines, the company has approached Local 14 ASA Airline Representative Jason Munson and Local 32 ASA Airline Representative Mark Dahl for discussion on a Letter of Agreement (LOA) regarding a contract vendor oversight position. Alaska has negotiated similar agreements with current groups at Alaska represented by the IAM. Other than reviewing the language from the IAM agreements, no in-depth discussions have occurred. AMFA National has approved these discussions and we are waiting on dates for the discussion to begin. Also, per the contract, in a few months the ASA Airline Representatives and AMFA National will have our annual wage review discussion with the company in accordance with Article 23 R.
Finally, AMFA and ASA have done a complete page-by-page review of the current collective bargaining agreement due to the discovery of mistakes in the printed and distributed version of the agreement to our members. We have corrected the mistakes and have an electronic version we are reviewing again to ensure it is correct. Once that is complete, ASA will reprint and distribute. Look for the new contract books sometime after the summer.
In this issue