About AMFA
The Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association is a craft oriented, independent aviation union. It is not an industrial union and represents only airline technicians and related employees in the craft or class in accordance with the National Mediation Board Rules and their dictates. AMFA is committed to elevating the professional standing of technicians and to achieving progressive improvements in the wages, benefits, and working conditions of the skilled craftsmen and women it represents.
By Louie Key, National Director
Louie Key |
This edition of the Grapevine is centered on the theme of "celebrating safety" and other relevant Association topics. As you are hopefully aware by now, we have introduced an AMFA National Safety Initiative and provided each Local President and Safety and Standards Chairman a thorough PowerPoint presentation detailing the objectives. The presentation covers many of the key factors that influence safety in our work place and highlights our individual obligation to perform all work in full compliance with the regulations. I am certain that you will find the information very informative and useful.
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By Aaron Hansen, Assistant National Director
Aaron Hansen |
March proved to be a busy time for Local and National Officers not only with everyone conducting general membership meetings, but all of the officers made a commitment to attend a two-day training event sponsored by National in Aurora, Colorado. The first day started as a group session where all of the Local Officers were briefed on the current events at the National level. The officers in turn were able to ask many questions and to even present concerns to the National Executive Council (NEC). It proved to be a valuable event as everyone was educated on our current direction.
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This is Your Paycheck as an AMT
David Brooks |
By David Brooks, National Safety & Standards Director
What is a chain of causation? It is a series of events or situations interrelated and leading to a particular effect. This is a very important concept as it could lead someone, including you, to getting hurt, killed, or even involved in an aircraft accident. One shortcut during maintenance with the chain of causation could also equal termination.
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Earl Clark |
By Earl Clark, Region I Director
I get asked, "How is bargaining going?" a lot, and I will attempt to answer it concisely in my article below. At Southwest Airlines (SWA) the Technician and Related negotiations is now approaching three years since the amendable date. Overall, we have met with the Company for a total of approximately 60 days of face-to-face talks. In my opinion the negotiation process over the past six months has become a paper pushing exercise where both sides continue to push the same positions back and forth with neither side making any movement - in other words, an impasse.
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Collective Bargaining Via the Railway Labor Act (RLA)
By Michael P. Nelson, Region II Director
Michael P Nelson |
Hello! I hope you are all enjoying the springtime and everything it has to offer. As the Southwest Airlines (SWA) Technicians enter their third spring without a raise and the Alaska Airlines Technicians are just beginning their latest joyous journey into the Collective Bargaining process, I couldn't think of a better time to discuss a brief history of the Railway Labor Act (RLA) and outline the Collective Bargaining Process under the RLA. First, I'm sure a large portion of the membership has worked at other airlines where Labor and Management had a larger divide than we are experiencing in our current positions. While employed at our previous companies, some of us may have witnessed work slowdowns, work stoppages, or walked informational picket-lines during contract negotiations as labor was forced to remind management of the importance of the product that their members provide in regards to the success of the daily operation as well as the overall long-term health of the company.
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Spring Cleaning
By Justin Madden, National Secretary-Treasurer
For many of you the spring has just arrived, even though for some winter surely remains a vivid memory. The grass is starting to get green, the trees are starting to sprout, and that list of things you needed to do outside, which amazingly grew over the winter, is long overdue. So if you're like me, you took that list and started to work over the first nice weekend of the year. You grabbed the power tools, lawn equipment, ladder, cleaning supplies, or otherwise, and got to it.
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