Understanding Professional Standards
On May 22, 2013, a group of AMFA members gathered for Professional Standards Training at the Alaska Airlines Hangar in Seattle, WA. The group consisted of Alaska Airlines members from Local 14 and Southwest Airlines members from Local 32. They were all attending continuous education for their respective local’s Professional Standards Committee.
By David Brooks, National Safety & Standards Director
I know there has been a lot of talk and use of our Professional Standards Program lately, but I would like to try and explain and familiarize you with this program. This program has been established to resolve conflicts between AMFA members before it escalates to management and results in punishment, or in some cases termination.
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Letter from Louie
By Louie Key, National Director
Over halfway into 2013 and though much has actually been accomplished, it can sometimes feel like we’re just spinning our wheels.
We have suffered delays with our Southwest negotiations for both the Aircraft Maintenance Technicians and Facility Maintenance Technicians. The company is engaging in hostile tactics and trying to force us to negotiate an entirely separate agreement for this workgroup.
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Navigating Rapid Growth at Work
By Aaron Hansen, Assistant National Director
Our worlds at Alaska and Southwest Airlines are rapidly changing. Over the years our respective airlines have grown and experienced change, but never at the current rapid rate. Now, it seems like every day that we show up for work something has been updated. Our environment is filled with frequent revisions to our manuals and guidelines, and even our Policy and Procedures Manual grows larger and larger by the week. Today, many decisions are made without our input and indeed out of our control.
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Around Region I
By Earl Clark, Region I Director
Region I is comprised of Locals 14 and 32. Much has been happening, particularly as it relates to negotiations at both Alaska Airlines (ASA) and Southwest Airlines (SWA). Local 32 SWA Airline Representative Mike Young of and the other three SWA Airline Representatives continue to work on two of the biggest issues affecting our SWA members today: the 4th line implementation grievance and the station closure notification of Philadelphia and Sacramento. The 4th line implementation grievance has gone to arbitration with a favorable ruling for the Association and is now in the settlement phase of the arbitration process which will resume July 10. There have been positive and productive conversations with SWA on the station closure issue, but at this time no agreement has been reached. We are hopeful that one will be reached soon.
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Around Region II
By Michael P. Nelson, Region II Director
Region II is currently comprised of three locals: 4, 11, and 18. At the National level, we have had the privilege to be involved in the reestablishment of Local 4. Those guys have put a lot of hard work into making it happen and it was an honor to be present when they received their Charter as well as to attend their first General Membership Meeting and officer swear-in at Chicago.
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Summer Days
By Justin Madden, National Secretary/Treasurer
July marks the half-way point of the year. Six months of 2013 have passed and summer is upon us, the time for vacations, barbecues, and possibly the kids returning home. Whether you’re a parent, grandparent, aunt, or uncle, take joy with family and friends. Get outside if you can and enjoy the scenery--just remember to wear sunscreen.
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