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National Director Update - September 2021
Oct 08, 2021
AMFA Locals and Members
National Director’s Monthly Update for September 2021
October 8, 2021

Dear Members:

We understand many of us are unnerved by the recent vaccination mandate, but we knew this day was possibly coming and have tried to prepare for it. Southwest Airlines Co. and Alaska Air Group Inc. both recently announced they are subject to legal obligation, as a federal contractor, to require their employees to submit to the “Federal Contactor Vaccination Requirement for all Employees.” The National Executive Council’s (NEC) primary focus is to protect our craft and the collective bargaining agreements (CBAs) we represent. While our carriers surge forward to implement the federal government contract mandate, a number of questions remain in regard to the impact and obligation of our members.

It is of utmost importance that our membership be educated on the current issues and events, as new information is distributed frequently on this matter. Please take the time to read the below correspondence that have most recently been distributed:

AMFA leaders attended our two-day scheduled semi-annual AMFA Joint Advisory Council (JAC) meeting on September 28-29 in Bozeman, MT to discuss the various challenges we face at the Local, National, and aviation industry-wide levels. We took this opportunity to discuss safety, job security, government mandates and affairs, legal strategies, and association growth. Thank you to all observers and AMFA officers and representatives who attended this event.

The Constitution Amendment Ratification Referendum is currently underway. Instructions to vote on the 20 constitution amendment proposals accepted by the Local Delegates at the National Convention in July have been sent via email and USPS mail to all active members. I strongly encourage you, please take the time to participate in this ratification process. We have made the voting process very easy and streamlined for your convenance. If you have not received your voting instructions, please call 720-744-6629. The polls close at 10:00am et on October 14th. Thank you in advance to everyone for exercising your responsibilities by voting as a member of AMFA.

As noted last month, AMFA recently established the first and only political action committee (PAC) representing aircraft mechanic and related issues: AMFA PAC. We’ve had a positive response from the membership so far, but we ask you to join your fellow members in support. Thank you for attending the informational webinar on September 15, 2021, to learn more about AMFA PAC. For those of you who did not attend, the webinar was recorded and posted on the Government Affairs page of the AMFA Website.

AMFA–Alaska Airlines Airline Representatives continue working with the Company and Arbitrator on the Roster Apps arbitration case. Additionally, Alaska continues to fill positions by starting the hiring process in Anchorage, Seattle, and Portland.

Horizon Air continues to hire new AMTs, yet they are losing more AMTs than hiring. The Contract Proposal Prioritization Survey has concluded and the results were be given to the Negotiation Committee in preparations for a 3-day meeting with Company in Seattle on October 11-13, 2021. We encourage you to sign-up on your AMFA Local 14 and National website as well as download both the Local and National apps to keep informed on current union events.

Southwest Airlines Training is looking to address some Maintenix issues by use of designees. AMFA members identified many issues that are related to receiving and ordering parts, simplify information flow, display more information on fewer screens, and reduce the number of duplicate clicks and steps in performing minimal easy tasks. As the Company works to fix the more that 100+ issue with the program, we must remain vigilant in uncovering anything that may compromise the integrity of safety or compliance. If you encounter any concerns, stop your task and get sufficient clarification in order to confidently sign-off that work.

Reminder: Please utilize your carrier’s Safety Reporting System (SRS) when you feel there are safety or compliance concerns while performing your job. In addition to your carrier’s SRS, the FAA Hotline may be utilized to report concerns of aviation safety: https://hotline.faa.gov/. We must realize our grave responsibility as FAA certified airman to exercise our judgement on the airworthiness of aircraft and equipment. We, therefore, pledge unyielding adherence to these precepts for the advancement of public safety of aviation and for the dignity for our craft.

As always, I ask you to please be safe while being vigilant and to stay engaged with your union and officers. In doing so, please monitor your respective carrier page of the AMFA National website for further airline specific details: Alaska Airlines Updates, Horizon Air Updates, Southwest Airlines Updates. For further information regarding AMFA and the airline industry, please visit the AMFA National Website at www.amfanational.org. Our most determined efforts will only succeed with your support and participation – please stay engaged and informed.


Bret Oestreich
National Director

7853 E. Arapahoe Court, Suite 1100
Centennial, CO 80112

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